Awakening Together as a Couple
With Trevor and Sharon Hart
When You or Your Spouse Has a Health Issue
Are you or your spouse facing an illness, accident, disability or aging issue?
Are you finding that the health issue is beginning to change the way you relate to one another?
Would you like to know how to support each other, work as a team, and find joy in your relationship — even in the midst of health issues?
Wouldn’t it be wonderful, if you could use these health challenges to make a quantum leap in your spiritual growth — both as individuals and as marriage partners?
“We bravely fight for our physical health, but we don’t often realize the inner callings of the soul that accompany health issues. But if you listen carefully, you will notice that when you have a health issue, it draws you inward. It is when you attend to these inner callings for soul growth that miracles of physical healing can happen.
Illness asks us to make a spiritual quantum leaps.
If both you and your partner are willing to turn inward and see what kind of spiritual growth the illness is asking of each of you, then it’s possible to enjoy a deeper closeness and profound joy — even in the midst of health challenges. And sharing this spiritual heart wisdom with your partner can be one of the greatest experiences life has to offer.”
– Sharon and Trevor Hart
Awakening Together as a Couple:
When You or Your Spouse has a Health Issue
Who This Couples Group Is For
This spiritual mentoring group is exclusively for couples when one of them has a health issue. This group is for both the sick partner, and the healthy partner — the husband and the wife — to attend together.
(Note: We have a special spiritual mentoring just for caregivers called “Spiritualizing Caregiving”)
Most Couples Don’t Realize The Danger
Many relationships fail when there is a serious health issue in the family. Most couples do not realize the danger to their marriage and they focus their efforts almost totally on regaining health. As a result, the emotional concerns of the relationship are put on the back burner until it is too late. No one wants to go through a divorce on the heels of a health challenges.
“You can succeed with your intimate relationship — even when there is a health issue involved.”
Adjusting to Your New Roles as Caregiver or Care Receiver
There is a lot involved in learning how to adjust to the role of “caregiver” and “care receiver”. If you want your caregiver to know how to support you and give you quality care, then you need to learn how to communicate with your partner, even if you’re sick. If you want to give quality care, then you need to learn how to listen on many levels to what your partner needs. Obviously, there are caregiving situations where the sick partner is too sick to work on communication, but there are many situations where working as a team to enhance your communication is quite possible. It can make a huge difference in terms of physical healing, as well as improving your quality of life, and the enjoyment the two of you can share as a couple. The rewards of this endeavor can be well worth the effort.
Is Relationship Support for Couples with Health Challenges Something New?
The first few years of marriage, the birth of children, the midlife crisis, the empty nest syndrome and the retirement phase are well-known for being time periods which stress a couple’s relationship. But the biggest challenges in a couple’s relationship comes when one of you develops a major health issue. And, unfortunately, very little is done to support couples going through this crossroads. Our Awakening As A Couple group fills in this gap and provides high-quality relationship support, especially for couples with health concerns.
If You’re the Partner with the Health Challenge
Even if you have a team of top notch doctors, and/or holistic health care professionals, it’s hard to regain your health when you have to do it alone. When you’re in pain and exhausted, it’s hard to know what you need to do to recover. Even if you know how to help yourself, it can be hard to do the tasks involved alone.
If You’re the Healthy Partner
For the healthy partner, what makes caregiving hard usually isn’t so much the daily tasks, it’s more having to watch your partner suffer. It can be very difficult to want to help, but not be sure just what kind of help your partner needs.
The Silent Conflict Couples with Health Issues Often Face
Healthy partners often focus on doing everything they can to reduce their partner’s stress. Therefore, if you’re the healthy partner, you might decide that the best way to protect your partner is to avoid telling them things that might stress them out. It might be appropriate sometimes to just take care of those things yourself. But it can get to the point where keeping things to yourself becomes a habit that blocks effective communication.
When it’s your health that is threatened, you just want the pain to stop and the strength and energy to return. Illness draws your energy inward and understandably you focus is on your own well-being. It’s likely that you’re concerned to some degree about not being a burden to your partner. You don’t want to do things that might make your spouse worry. Maybe you try to protect your partner by deciding not to mention when your symptoms get worse. Or perhaps, you are trying too hard to do things on your own, and you exhaust yourself because you don’t want to ask for help.
All these concerns are appropriate at the beginning of an illness. But as time moves on, this unspoken pact developed under the guise of protecting one another from stress, actually blocks the possibility for open honest communication. You both act strong and keep putting on that “happy face”. But under the charade, you’re hiding your pain and anger, your grief and fear, from yourself and your partner. When you don’t communicate what’s really going on inside yourself with your partner, intimacy begins to erode. At this point, some couples will begin to argue, while other couples will avoid each other, and some couples swing back and forth between the two.
But it doesn’t have to be that way!
In order for your relationship to grow strong, you both need to talk courageously about what you really think and how you really feel. Even if your communication was great before the illness, you probably need some new tools to communicate now that there is a health issue involved.. It can make a big difference to have some compassionate support for re-engaging in effective communication.

Why this Spiritual Mentoring Group is for Both Partners
Obviously, communicating when you’re the sick partner is difficult, but without your cooperation, the healthy partner will find it difficult to care for you in a manner which will have optimum effectiveness for your recovery. Learning how to be an effective team takes the cooperation of both partners — the healthy partner and the sick partner. Communication between marriage partners is critical when health concerns are involved and our “Awakening As A Couple” group can improve your ability to talk to one another.
The Value of Working as a Team
When a couple can work together as an effective team, then it’s easier to recover health. A great deal goes into shifting roles, improving communication and regaining intimacy when a marriage has a health issue. But it’s VERY POSSIBLE to learn how to navigate this terrain. Why try to do it all by yourself, when you don’t have to?
“Whether our bodies heal or not, our hearts and souls can experience enormous healing through the love and intimacy we share with each other.”
– Sharon and Trevor Hart

What if you could meet a couple who has successfully navigated the spiritual path for over three decades?
What if this couple could share with you how they used their relationship with one another as a catalyst for spiritual growth – even when facing health challenges?
And what if we could ask them your most pressing questions about how to succeed at spiritualizing relationship?

When my partner is hurting, I think what is needed are solutions to make the pain go away. But I keep hearing that what is needed is to just really listen and be present. I find that very difficult to do. I want to help but it seems like I am doing it all wrong. How can I learn to help my partner the way that my partner wants me to help, instead of the way I want to help?

When my partner is hurting, she is understandably afraid. But in her fear, she becomes somewhat demanding. I want to be there for her, but I feel myself pulling away just when she needs me most. How do you provide top quality care for a partner who keeps giving you the message that whatever you do as a caregiver is never enough?

I am the strong independent type who tends to want to be alone when I am hurting. But I can see how I push myself too far and then I am exhausted. My partner wants to help me, but it's really hard for me to talk about my needs. How can I learn to communicate my needs to my partner?

We have come to the point where we barely talk about the "health problem" because when we do, we start to argue. We both don't want to argue, because we don't want to upset each other. However it's not working to just keep ignoring the problems the health issue is causing in our marriage. How do we break the log jam in our communication, so we can work together as a team to help my partner heal?

We love each other, but at this time we have such different needs that we just can't communicate with one another. How do we develop empathy and compassion for one another when we are both struggling so much? We want to be close again.
Sessions for this group are ongoing and held
Tuesday nights 7:30 – 9:00 pm ET |
4:30 – 6:00 pm PT
twice a month
(except holidays)
Oct 22
Nov 5
Nov 19
Dec 3
Dec 17
more dates coming soon…
Investment and FAQs
How do I join a group?
Enrollment occurs on an on-going basis so you can join any of these groups in progress at any time. For all of our on-going groups there is no set start or end date.
The first step in joining the group is EASY: just register by filling out the form on the particular group page that you want to join.
No payment is required at time of registration.
Be sure to provide your correct phone number on the registration form, because the next step is a free 15-30 minute pre-enrollment consultation during which time you can ask any questions you might have about the group. We will also go over the details of our enrollment process with you at that time.
Then, if there is room in the group you are requesting, you will be invited to join the group for one free group session.
Can I try a group out to decide whether it's right for me?
If there is room in the group you are requesting, you will be invited to join the group for one free group session.
It’s our gift to you!
This is a limited time offer. Once the group nears full enrollment, we will no longer be offering an initial free group session.
Can I get a private mentoring session with you?
Prior to enrolling, it is sometimes helpful to have one or more private one hour sessions with Sharon for the purpose of deciding to join the group.
This is especially helpful to couples in order to get both partners on board for the adventure.
If you and/or your partner would like to take advantage of this opportunity, then email Sharon at for more information. Space is limited.
Enrolling in private sessions during the initial enrollment period does not guarantee that you will become an on-going private client.
How much does it cost to enroll?
You register for the groups in packages. The initial package is for 6 sessions. After that you can purchase as many 4-session packages as you want.
If you are one of the first 8 people to join a group, then your can pay $375 per person for your initial package of 6 sessions via email PayPal invoice.
If you are one of the next 8 people to join, the price for the initial 6 sessions is $498 per person via email PayPal invoice.
After the group has 16 members. there will be a price increase to $600 per person for the initial 6 weeks via email PayPal invoice.
Prices are subject to change at any time. We do not offer refunds.
How much does it cost to continue per person after the first package?
Regardless of when you joined, you can continue purchasing consecutive blocks of four session packages for as long as you like.
If you are one of the first 8 people to join a group, then after the first six sessions, you can continue in the group for another package of 4 sessions. These 4 sessions cost $248. However, to keep this low price you need to pay by check and you register within 5 days of completion of your last package of sessions. Otherwise, the price goes up to $400.
If you are one of the next 8 people to join, then after the first six sessions, you can continue in the group for another package of 4 sessions. These 4 sessions cost $332. However, to keep this low price you need to pay by check and you register within 5 days of completion of your last package of sessions. Otherwise, the price goes up to $484.
If you enroll after the group has 16 members. then after the first six sessions, you can continue in the group for another package of 4 sessions. These 4 sessions cost $400. However, to keep this low price you need to pay by check and you register within 5 days of completion of your last package of sessions. Otherwise, the price goes up to $552.
Prices are subject to change at any time. We do not offer refunds.
Are there any special discounts?
Special discounts:
- The earlier you decide to enroll the lower the price.
- If you choose to pay via check for your initial 6 sessions the cost is reduced by $50. We prefer payment by check, because we want to minimize people going into debt via credit card to pay for our courses.
- Please contact us if you have financial need and would like to apply for a scholarship.
Register now for this group.
Just enter your details in the form below.
It will be fun and hugely transformational.