Private Sessions

Private Sessions with Trevor

At present Trevor is fully booked through the end of 2019. You can sign up for a private session as described on this page although, the best way to get on the schedule for a private session is to be enrolled in one of his groups or courses. Being in groups and classes helps you understand the process and find support until we can fit you into the private session schedule. We do our best to offer enrolled clients at least one session during each four month booking cycle.

NWhat Happens in a Private Session?

In one-on-one sessions, you begin by telling Trevor why you sought him out. You can work with him on physical health concerns, business issues, and/or spiritual issues. After clients share their issues during a private session, Trevor enters a deep state of awareness where he uses micro-clairvoyance and his ability to interface with the Organizing Intelligence to get a more clear picture of what is happening in the individual’s lightbody. Trevor always explains that the only value in what is revealed about your condition is what resonates with your ‘Heart Intelligence” rather than with your mind. Through this process, Trevor and the Organizing Intelligence work together to uncover answer to questions that very often elude other attempts at clarity.

NBut that is just the starting point

During your individual session, Trevor brings spiritual intuition, insight, wisdom, knowledge of human biology and quantum physics, and combines it with his exquisite undderstanding of the subtle energy fields including Chi system, chakras, and other energy modalities. When your LightBody comes into balance and there is harmony in the mental, psychological and spiritual realms of being, it creates optimal conditions for your body to heal itself and for the soul to soar. Time and time again, Trevor’s work has brought about a spontaneous increase in health that can happens over time and can only be explained as miraculous.

There are no minimum sessions but most clients often work with Trevor in 6-30 sessions. It all depends on your situation.

 NRequest Private Sessions

If you are interested in working with Trevor one-on-one, please request to be added to his waiting list by clicking the button below. Please note that the list is quite long so we cannot promise that appointments will open up any time soon, but they do occur. We are slowly offering people on the wait list appointments but it can be a lengthy process of months or even over a year. Getting into a LightBody Engineering group or course generally speeds the process along.

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